FNA>Volume Importer |
imported>Volume Importer |
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Revision as of 13:08, 24 November 2024
- A Text property defining a single value.
- Structure: inflorescence
- A Top Level Property
Types of inflorescence
- Ament
- Anthela
- Axial glomerule architecture
- Axillary and terminal cyme architecture
- Axillary and terminal cyme architecture or arrangement
- Axillary cyme architecture
- Axillary cyme architecture or fragility
- Axillary cyme arrangement
- Axillary cyme count
- Axillary cyme density
- Axillary glomerule architecture
- Axillary glomerule architecture or arrangement
- Axillary glomerule architecture or fragility
- Axillary glomerule arrangement
- Axillary glomerule coloration
- Axillary glomerule density
- Axillary glomerule orientation
- Axillary glomerule position
- Axillary glomerule shape
- Axillary glomerule size
- Axillary panicle arrangement
- Axillary spike arrangement
- Axillary spike height or length or size
- Axillary spike size
- Axillary umbel architecture
- Compound-corymbiform array
- Corymb
- Corymb architecture
- Corymb some measurement
- Cyathium
- Cyme
- Cyme architecture
- Cyme architecture or arrangement
- Cyme architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Cyme architecture or fragility
- Cyme architecture or shape
- Cyme arrangement
- Cyme count
- Cyme density
- Cyme orientation
- Cyme position
- Cyme position or structure subtype
- Cyme prominence
- Cyme shape
- Cyme size
- Cyme some measurement
- Dichasium
- Dichasium architecture
- Dichasium arrangement
- Distal panicle architecture
- Distal panicle density
- Distal panicle height or length or size
- Distal spike architecture
- Distal spike density
- Distal spike height or length or size
- Glome
- Glome architecture
- Glome arrangement
- Glome fusion
- Glome some measurement
- Glomerule
- Glomerule architecture
- Glomerule architecture or arrangement
- Glomerule architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Glomerule architecture or fragility
- Glomerule arrangement
- Glomerule coloration
- Glomerule count
- Glomerule density
- Glomerule diameter
- Glomerule fusion
- Glomerule length
- Glomerule life cycle
- Glomerule orientation
- Glomerule position
- Glomerule position or structure subtype
- Glomerule shape
- Glomerule size
- Glomerule some measurement
- Glomerule texture
- Glomerule thickness
- Glomerule width
I cont.
- Inflorescences cyme density
- Inflorescences cyme length or size
- Inflorescences cyme width
- Inflorescences glomerule architecture
- Inflorescences glomerule arrangement
- Inflorescences glomerule atypical some measurement
- Inflorescences glomerule length
- Inflorescences glomerule life cycle
- Inflorescences glomerule some measurement
- Inflorescences glomerule width
- Inflorescences panicle architecture
- Inflorescences panicle quantity
- Inflorescences panicle shape
- Inflorescences raceme architecture
- Inflorescences raceme atypical some measurement
- Inflorescences raceme length or size
- Inflorescences raceme quantity
- Inflorescences raceme shape
- Inflorescences raceme some measurement
- Inflorescences spike architecture
- Inflorescences spike arrangement
- Inflorescences spike position or structure subtype
- Inflorescences spike position relational
- Inflorescences spike size
- Inflorescences spike some measurement
- Panicle
- Panicle architecture
- Panicle architecture or arrangement
- Panicle architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Panicle architecture or fragility
- Panicle architecture or shape
- Panicle arrangement
- Panicle atypical some measurement
- Panicle coloration
- Panicle density
- Panicle development
- Panicle duration
- Panicle fusion
- Panicle orientation
- Panicle position
- Panicle position or structure subtype
- Panicle pubescence
- Panicle quantity
- Panicle shape
- Panicle size or width
- Panicle some measurement
- Pleiochasium
- Primary raceme quantity
- Proximal panicle architecture
- Proximal panicle position or shape
- Pseudoraceme
- Pseudoumbel
- Pseudoumbel architecture
- Pseudoumbel life cycle
- Raceme
- Raceme architecture
- Raceme architecture or arrangement
- Raceme architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Raceme architecture or fragility
- Raceme arrangement
- Raceme atypical some measurement
- Raceme density
- Raceme fragility
- Raceme height or length or size
- Raceme life cycle
- Raceme odor
- Raceme orientation
- Raceme position
- Raceme position or structure subtype
- Raceme presence
- Raceme prominence
- Raceme quantity
- Raceme reproduction
- Raceme shape
- Raceme size or width
- Raceme some measurement
- Racemo-corymbiform array
- Rame
S cont.
- Slender terminal panicle count
- Slender terminal panicle position
- Slender terminal spike arrangement
- Slender terminal spike count
- Slender terminal spike position
- Spike
- Spike architecture
- Spike architecture or arrangement
- Spike architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Spike architecture or shape
- Spike arrangement
- Spike arrangement or course or shape
- Spike arrangement or density
- Spike atypical some measurement
- Spike coloration
- Spike count
- Spike density
- Spike development
- Spike diameter
- Spike fragility
- Spike fragility or size
- Spike height or length or size
- Spike length or size
- Spike life cycle
- Spike odor
- Spike orientation
- Spike position
- Spike position or structure subtype
- Spike pubescence
- Spike quantity
- Spike shape
- Spike size
- Spike size or width
- Spike some measurement
- Spike thickness
- Spike variability
- Spike width
- Subtending lower glomerule count
- Subtending lower glomerule length
- Subtending lower glomerule shape
- Subtending lower glomerule width
- Syconium
- Syconium architecture
- Syconium architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Syconium arrangement
- Syconium coloration
- Syconium diameter
- Syconium length
- Syconium life cycle
- Syconium pubescence
- Syconium quantity
- Syconium shape
- Syconium some measurement
- Syconium width
- Terminal and axillary spike architecture
- Terminal and axillary spike arrangement
- Terminal and lateral spike architecture
- Terminal cyme architecture
- Terminal cyme architecture or arrangement
- Terminal or axillary panicle shape
- Terminal or axillary panicle some measurement
- Terminal panicle architecture
- Terminal panicle architecture or fragility
- Terminal panicle duration
- Terminal panicle height or length or size
- Terminal panicle shape
- Terminal panicle some measurement
- Terminal raceme position relational
- Terminal raceme pubescence
- Terminal raceme some measurement
- Terminal spike architecture
- Terminal spike architecture or arrangement
- Terminal spike arrangement
- Terminal spike coloration
- Terminal spike density
- Terminal spike height or length or size
- Terminal spike length
- Terminal spike orientation
- Terminal spike position
- Terminal spike shape
- Terminal spike size
- Terminal spike some measurement
Parts of inflorescence
- Apex flower architecture
- Axillary bracteole shape
- Axillary bracteole some measurement
- Axillary flower architecture
- Axillary flower architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Axillary pedicel some measurement
- Axillary peduncle atypical some measurement
- Axillary peduncle fragility or size
- Axillary peduncle some measurement
- Axillary peduncle width
- Basal branch architecture
- Basal branch arrangement
- Basal branch fragility
- Basal branch orientation
- Basal branch texture
- Basal flower architecture
- Basal flower arrangement
- Bract
- Bract architecture
- Bract architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Bract architecture or pubescence
- Bract architecture or pubescence or shape
- Bract architecture or shape
- Bract arrangement
- Bract arrangement or course or shape
- Bract arrangement or shape
- Bract atypical count
- Bract atypical length
- Bract atypical some measurement
- Bract atypical width
- Bract coloration
- Bract coloration or reflectance
- Bract condition
- Bract count
- Bract course
- Bract duration
- Bract fixation or orientation
- Bract fusion
- Bract growth form or texture
- Bract height or length or size
- Bract length
- Bract length or size
- Bract life cycle
- Bract orientation
- Bract position
- Bract position relational
- Bract prominence
- Bract pubescence
- Bract pubescence or texture
- Bract quantity
- Bract shape
- Bract size
- Bract size or width
- Bract some measurement
- Bract texture
- Bract variability
- Bract width
- Bract-axil
- Bract-axil architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Bract-axil count
- Bracteole
- Bracteole architecture
- Bracteole architecture or function or pubescence
- Bracteole architecture or pubescence or shape
- Bracteole architecture or shape
- Bracteole arrangement
- Bracteole arrangement or course or shape
- Bracteole arrangement or dehiscence
- Bracteole atypical quantity
- Bracteole atypical some measurement
- Bracteole coloration
- Bracteole count
- Bracteole development
- Bracteole duration
- Bracteole fusion
- Bracteole growth form
- Bracteole height or length or size
- Bracteole length
- Bracteole location
- Bracteole orientation
- Bracteole position
- Bracteole position relational
- Bracteole presence
- Bracteole prominence
- Bracteole pubescence
- Bracteole pubescence or texture
- Bracteole quantity
- Bracteole shape
- Bracteole size
- Bracteole size or width
- Bracteole some measurement
- Bracteole texture
- Bracteole variability
- Bracteole width
- Bractlet
- Bractlet coloration
- Bractlet count
- Bractlet fusion
- Bractlet pubescence
- Bractlet quantity
- Bractlet shape
- Branch
- Branch architecture
- Branch architecture or arrangement
- Branch architecture or course
- Branch architecture or function or pubescence
- Branch architecture or pubescence or relief
- Branch architecture or shape
- Branch arrangement
- Branch arrangement or course or shape
- Branch arrangement or growth form
- Branch arrangement or shape
- Branch atypical count
- Branch atypical some measurement
- Branch coloration
- Branch coloration or pubescence or relief
- Branch count
- Branch count or density
- Branch course
- Branch course or shape
- Branch density
- Branch development
- Branch diameter
- Branch duration
- Branch fragility
- Branch fragility or size
- Branch function
- Branch growth form or orientation
- Branch growth form or texture
- Branch height or length or size
- Branch length
- Branch length or size
- Branch life cycle
- Branch location
- Branch orientation
- Branch orientation or shape
- Branch position
- Branch position relational
- Branch prominence
- Branch prominence or shape
- Branch pubescence
- Branch quantity
- Branch relief
- Branch reproduction
- Branch shape
- Branch size
- Branch some measurement
- Branch texture
- Branch thickness
- Branch variability
- Branch width
- Calyculus
- Central bract shape
- Central bract size
- Central bract some measurement
- Central flower architecture
- Central flower architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Central flower arrangement or shape
- Central flower count
- Central flower length
- Central flower length or size
- Central flower reproduction
- Central flower shape
- Central flower size
- Central flower width
- Central shorter side branch count
- Central shorter side branch height or length or size
C cont.
- Distal bract arrangement
- Distal bract atypical some measurement
- Distal bract count
- Distal bract height or length or size
- Distal bract life cycle
- Distal bract size
- Distal bract some measurement
- Distal bract width
- Distal bracteole texture
- Distal branch count or density
- Distal branch orientation
- Distal flower architecture
- Distal flower atypical some measurement
- Distal flower shape
- Distal flower size
- Distal flower some measurement
- Distal spikelet arrangement
- Distal spikelet atypical length
- Distal spikelet atypical width
- Distal spikelet coloration
- Distal spikelet length
- Distal spikelet shape
- Distal spikelet width
- Distal whorl length or size
- Distalmost bract length
- Floral bract some measurement
- Floral bracteole quantity
- Floral bracteole size
- Flower
- Flower architecture
- Flower architecture or arrangement
- Flower architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Flower architecture or course
- Flower architecture or shape
- Flower area
- Flower arrangement
- Flower arrangement or density
- Flower arrangement or growth form
- Flower atypical count
- Flower atypical length
- Flower atypical quantity
- Flower atypical some measurement
- Flower atypical width
- Flower average width
- Flower color
- Flower coloration
- Flower coloration or density
- Flower condition
- Flower count
- Flower course
- Flower dehiscence
- Flower density
- Flower depth
- Flower development
- Flower diam
- Flower diameter
- Flower duration
- Flower fragility
- Flower fragrance
- Flower fusion
- Flower growth form
- Flower growth form or location
- Flower height or length or size
- Flower l w ratio
- Flower length
- Flower length or size
- Flower life cycle
- Flower location
- Flower odor
- Flower orientation
- Flower placentation
- Flower position
- Flower position or structure subtype
- Flower position relational
- Flower presence
- Flower prominence
- Flower pubescence
- Flower pubescence or texture
- Flower quantity
- Flower reflectance
- Flower reproduction
- Flower scent
- Flower sexes
- Flower shape
- Flower size
- Flower size or width
- Flower some measurement
- Flower texture
- Flower variability
- Flower width
- Flowering-stem
- Flowering-stem orientation
- Individual branch diameter
- Inflorescence branch orientation
- Inflorescence flower quantity
- Inflorescences peduncle architecture
- Inflorescences peduncle some measurement
- Inner bract architecture or function or pubescence
- Inner bract coloration
- Inner bract duration
- Inner bract fusion
- Inner bract growth form or texture
- Inner bract pubescence
- Inner bract shape
- Inner bract size
- Inner bract width
- Inner whorl quantity
- Innermost whorl coloration
- Internodal branch architecture or course
- Involucre
- Involucre architecture
- Involucre architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Involucre arrangement or growth form
- Involucre atypical some measurement
- Involucre coating
- Involucre coloration
- Involucre coloration or reflectance
- Involucre count
- Involucre dehiscence
- Involucre fusion
- Involucre orientation
- Involucre position
- Involucre position or structure subtype
- Involucre position relational
- Involucre presence
- Involucre pubescence
- Involucre shape
- Involucre size
- Involucre some measurement
- Involucre texture
- Lateral branch architecture
- Lateral branch architecture or shape
- Lateral branch count
- Lateral branch development
- Lateral branch height or length or size
- Lateral branch length or size
- Lateral branch life cycle
- Lateral branch orientation
- Lateral branch position
- Lateral branch position or structure subtype
- Lateral branch shape
- Lateral branch size or width
- Lateral flower arrangement
- Lateral flower count
- Lateral flower length or size
- Lateral flower shape
- Lateral flower size
- Lateral flower width
- Lateral pedicel some measurement
- Leaf whorl arrangement
- Leaf whorl diameter
- Leaf whorl life cycle
- Lower branch arrangement or shape
- Lower branch orientation
- Lower branch width
- Lower flower architecture
M cont.
- Ocreola
- Old-growth branch architecture
- Old-growth branch architecture or pubescence or relief
- Old-growth branch life cycle
- Outer bract coloration
- Outer bract pubescence
- Outer bract shape
- Outer bract size
- Outer whorl quantity
- Outermost whorl architecture
- Outermost whorl coloration
- Outermost whorl orientation
- Palea
- Panicle branch architecture
- Pedicel
- Pedicel architecture
- Pedicel architecture or function or pubescence
- Pedicel arrangement
- Pedicel atypical some measurement
- Pedicel coloration
- Pedicel count
- Pedicel course
- Pedicel course or shape
- Pedicel diameter
- Pedicel fragility or size
- Pedicel height or length or size
- Pedicel length
- Pedicel length or size
- Pedicel life cycle
- Pedicel orientation
- Pedicel position
- Pedicel presence
- Pedicel prominence
- Pedicel pubescence
- Pedicel pubescence or relief or texture
- Pedicel shape
- Pedicel size
- Pedicel size or width
- Pedicel some measurement
- Pedicel texture
- Pedicel width
- Peduncle
- Peduncle architecture
- Peduncle architecture or function or pubescence
- Peduncle architecture or pubescence
- Peduncle architecture or pubescence or relief
- Peduncle architecture or shape
- Peduncle arrangement
- Peduncle arrangement or course or shape
- Peduncle atypical count
- Peduncle atypical some measurement
- Peduncle coating
- Peduncle coloration
- Peduncle count
- Peduncle course
- Peduncle development
- Peduncle diameter
- Peduncle fixation or orientation
- Peduncle fragility or size
- Peduncle fusion
- Peduncle height or length or size
- Peduncle length
- Peduncle length or size
- Peduncle life cycle
- Peduncle orientation
- Peduncle presence
- Peduncle prominence
- Peduncle pubescence
- Peduncle quantity
- Peduncle relief
- Peduncle shape
- Peduncle size
- Peduncle size or length
- Peduncle size or width
- Peduncle some measurement
- Peduncle variability
- Peduncle width
- Peduncular
- Perigynium
- Phyllaries
- Phyllary
- Primary branch architecture or shape
- Primary branch orientation
- Proximal bract architecture
- Proximal bract architecture or shape
- Proximal bract arrangement
- Proximal bract development
- Proximal bract shape
- Proximal bract size
- Proximal bract some measurement
- Proximal bracteole texture
- Proximal branch arrangement
- Proximal branch growth form or orientation
- Proximal branch length
- Proximal branch orientation
- Proximal branch prominence
- Proximal branch pubescence
- Proximal branch shape
- Proximal branch some measurement
- Proximal distal bract architecture
- Proximal distal bract arrangement
- Proximal distal bract count
- Proximal distal bract texture
- Proximal flower architecture
- Proximal flower reproduction
- Proximal flower shape
- Proximalmost bract architecture or shape
- Proximalmost bract arrangement
- Proximalmost bract count
- Proximalmost bract position
- Proximalmost bract shape
- Proximalmost bract some measurement
- Proximalmost pedicel orientation
- Proximalmost pedicel some measurement
- Pseudopedicel
- Pseudospikelet
- Scape
- Scape course
- Scape growth form or orientation
- Scape height
- Scape length or size
- Scape orientation
- Scape pubescence
- Scape shape
- Scape some measurement
- Season pedicel duration
- Season pedicel size
- Season pedicel some measurement
- Shorter branch arrangement or growth form
- Shorter branch count
- Shorter involucre arrangement or growth form
- Side branch height or length or size
- Slender axillary peduncle some measurement
- Smaller bracteole shape
- Smaller bracteole some measurement
- Soral involucre architecture
- Soral involucre count
- Soral involucre position
- Soral involucre position or structure subtype
- Soral involucre shape
- Spathe
- Spikelet
- Sporophore branch architecture or shape
- Sporophore branch count
- Spur branch arrangement
- Squamella
- Stereome
- Stigma branch variability
- Subglomerule
- Subtending branch reproduction
- Subtending flower architecture
- Subtending flower development
- Subtending flower quantity
Showing 25 related entities (more are available).
- Ament +
- Anthela +
- Apex flower architecture +
- Axial glomerule architecture +
- Axillary and terminal cyme architecture +
- Axillary and terminal cyme architecture or arrangement +
- Axillary bracteole shape +
- Axillary bracteole some measurement +
- Axillary cyme architecture +
- Axillary cyme architecture or fragility +
- Axillary cyme arrangement +
- Axillary cyme count +
- Axillary cyme density +
- Axillary flower architecture +
- Axillary flower architecture or arrangement or growth form +
- Axillary glomerule architecture +
- Axillary glomerule architecture or arrangement +
- Axillary glomerule architecture or fragility +
- Axillary glomerule arrangement +
- Axillary glomerule coloration +
- Axillary glomerule density +
- Axillary glomerule orientation +
- Axillary glomerule position +
- Axillary glomerule shape +
- Axillary glomerule size +
- ...