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Revision as of 13:08, 24 November 2024
- A Text property defining a single value.
- Structure: fruit
- A Top Level Property
Types of fruit
- Achene
- Achene architecture
- Achene architecture or function or pubescence
- Achene architecture or pubescence or relief
- Achene architecture or shape
- Achene arrangement
- Achene arrangement or shape
- Achene atypical length
- Achene atypical quantity
- Achene atypical width
- Achene coloration
- Achene coloration or pubescence or relief
- Achene count
- Achene dehiscence
- Achene diameter
- Achene duration
- Achene fixation or orientation
- Achene fusion
- Achene height or length or size
- Achene length
- Achene life cycle
- Achene orientation
- Achene position relational
- Achene prominence
- Achene prominence or shape
- Achene pubescence
- Achene quantity
- Achene reflectance
- Achene relief
- Achene shape
- Achene some measurement
- Achene texture
- Achene width
- Acorn
- Acorn architecture
- Acorn architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Acorn arrangement
- Acorn arrangement or growth form
- Acorn atypical some measurement
- Acorn duration
- Acorn life cycle
- Acorn maturation
- Acorn quantity
- Acorn some measurement
- Banana
- Banana size
- Berry
- Berry architecture
- Berry atypical some measurement
- Berry coloration
- Berry condition or texture
- Berry diameter
- Berry length
- Berry pubescence
- Berry quantity
- Berry shape
- Berry some measurement
- Berry texture
- Berry width
- Bur
- Capsule
- Capsule architecture
- Capsule architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Capsule architecture or dehiscence
- Capsule architecture or pubescence or relief
- Capsule architecture or shape
- Capsule arrangement
- Capsule arrangement or course or shape
- Capsule arrangement or dehiscence
- Capsule atypical length
- Capsule atypical some measurement
- Capsule atypical width
- Capsule coloration
- Capsule condition or texture
- Capsule course
- Capsule dehiscence
- Capsule development
- Capsule diameter
- Capsule duration
- Capsule fixation
- Capsule fixation or orientation
- Capsule fragility or size
- Capsule fusion
- Capsule height or length or size
- Capsule length
- Capsule length or size
- Capsule length or size or width
- Capsule life cycle
- Capsule orientation
- Capsule prominence
- Capsule pubescence
- Capsule pubescence or texture
- Capsule quantity
- Capsule relief
- Capsule shape
- Capsule size
- Capsule some measurement
- Capsule texture
- Capsule width
- Caryopsis
- Central nut architecture
- Central nut architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Central nut shape
- Central nut size
- Cypsela
- Cypsela architecture
- Cypsela some measurement
- Cypselum
- Distal sporangial capsule architecture
- Distal sporangial capsule shape
- Drupe
- Drupe architecture
- Drupe architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Drupe architecture or pubescence or relief
- Drupe architecture or shape
- Drupe coloration
- Drupe diam
- Drupe diameter
- Drupe length
- Drupe location
- Drupe orientation
- Drupe pubescence
- Drupe shape
- Drupe some measurement
- Drupe texture
- Drupe width
- Follicle
- Follicle architecture
- Follicle architecture or pubescence or shape
- Follicle architecture or shape
- Follicle arrangement
- Follicle atypical quantity
- Follicle atypical some measurement
- Follicle coloration
- Follicle coloration or density
- Follicle dehiscence
- Follicle duration
- Follicle fixation or orientation
- Follicle fusion
- Follicle orientation
- Follicle pubescence
- Follicle quantity
- Follicle reflectance
- Follicle shape
- Follicle some measurement
- Follicle texture
- Follicle width
- Fruit follicle architecture
- Fruit follicle prominence or shape
- Fruit follicle shape
- Fruits achene architecture
- Fruits achene architecture or shape
- Fruits achene architecture or structure in adjective form
- Fruits achene coloration
- Fruits achene dehiscence
- Fruits achene fusion
- Fruits achene position relational
- Fruits achene pubescence
- Fruits achene quantity
- Fruits achene shape
- Fruits achene some measurement
- Fruits achene texture
- Fruits berry architecture
- Fruits berry architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Fruits berry atypical quantity
- Fruits berry coloration
- Fruits berry condition or texture
- Fruits berry dehiscence
- Fruits berry fusion
- Fruits berry pubescence
- Fruits berry quantity
- Fruits berry shape
- Fruits berry texture
- Fruits berry toxicity
- Fruits capsule architecture
- Fruits capsule arrangement
- Fruits capsule dehiscence
- Fruits capsule duration
- Fruits capsule shape
- Fruits capsule texture
- Fruits cypsela architecture
- Fruits cypsela shape
- Fruits drupe condition or texture
- Fruits drupe course
- Fruits drupe shape
- Fruits drupe texture
- Fruits follicle architecture
- Fruits follicle architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Fruits follicle architecture or shape
- Fruits follicle arrangement or shape
- Fruits follicle coloration
- Fruits follicle course
- Fruits follicle dehiscence
- Fruits follicle shape
- Fruits follicle texture
- Fruits nut architecture
- Fruits nut atypical quantity
- Fruits nut position
- Fruits nut quantity
- Fruits nut shape
- Fruits samara architecture
- Fruits samara shape
- Fruits utricle architecture
- Fruits utricle architecture or structure in adjective form
- Fruits utricle condition or texture
- Fruits utricle dehiscence
- Fruits utricle shape
I cont.
- Infructescence coloration
- Infructescence condition
- Infructescence length
- Infructescence orientation
- Infructescence pubescence
- Infructescence season
- Infructescence shape
- Infructescence some measurement
- Infructescence texture
- Infructescence width
- Nut
- Nut architecture
- Nut architecture or pubescence or relief
- Nut architecture or shape
- Nut arrangement
- Nut atypical length
- Nut atypical some measurement
- Nut atypical width
- Nut coloration
- Nut coloration or pubescence or relief
- Nut length
- Nut length or size
- Nut life cycle
- Nut position relational
- Nut prominence
- Nut pubescence
- Nut quantity
- Nut relief
- Nut shape
- Nut size
- Nut some measurement
- Nut texture
- Nut width
- Pepo
- Pit nut coloration or pubescence or relief
- Pit nut length
- Pit nut pubescence
- Pit nut shape
- Pit nut width
- Pseudodrupe
- Samara
- Samara architecture
- Samara architecture or shape
- Samara arrangement
- Samara arrangement or shape
- Samara coloration
- Samara dehiscence
- Samara diameter
- Samara duration
- Samara length
- Samara pubescence
- Samara quantity
- Samara reflectance
- Samara shape
- Samara size
- Samara some measurement
- Samara width
- Schizocarp
- Schizocarp coloration
- Schizocarp relief
- Schizocarp some measurement
- Silicle
- Silique
- Sporangial capsule pubescence
- Syncarp
- Syncarp architecture or pubescence or relief
- Syncarp atypical length
- Syncarp coloration
- Syncarp diam
- Syncarp diameter
- Syncarp length
- Syncarp orientation
- Syncarp pubescence
- Syncarp quantity
- Syncarp reflectance
- Syncarp relief
- Syncarp shape
- Syncarp some measurement
- Syncarp texture
- Syncarp width
- Utricle
- Utricle architecture
- Utricle architecture or pubescence or relief
- Utricle architecture or shape
- Utricle arrangement or shape
- Utricle atypical some measurement
- Utricle coloration
- Utricle dehiscence
- Utricle growth form
- Utricle height or length or size
- Utricle length
- Utricle length or size
- Utricle life cycle
- Utricle orientation
- Utricle position
- Utricle position relational
- Utricle prominence
- Utricle prominence or shape
- Utricle pubescence
- Utricle relief
- Utricle shape
- Utricle size
- Utricle some measurement
- Utricle texture
- Utricle variability
- Utricle width
- Utricular
Parts of fruit
- Achene beak orientation
- Achene beak some measurement
- Apical beak prominence or shape
- Apical beak quantity
- Apical beak shape
- Apical beak size
- Apical beak width
- Basal and apical beak reproduction
- Beak
- Beak architecture
- Beak architecture or function or pubescence
- Beak architecture or pubescence
- Beak architecture or shape
- Beak arrangement
- Beak arrangement or course or shape
- Beak arrangement or density
- Beak arrangement or shape
- Beak atypical length
- Beak atypical some measurement
- Beak coating
- Beak coloration
- Beak condition
- Beak condition or fragility
- Beak course
- Beak dehiscence
- Beak derivation
- Beak duration
- Beak fragility
- Beak fusion
- Beak height or length or size
- Beak length
- Beak length or size
- Beak life cycle
- Beak orientation
- Beak position
- Beak position or shape
- Beak position or structure subtype
- Beak presence
- Beak prominence
- Beak pubescence
- Beak quantity
- Beak shape
- Beak size
- Beak size or width
- Beak some measurement
- Beak texture
- Beak variability
- Beak width
D cont.
- Elaiosome
- Elaiosome coloration
- Elaiosome count
- Elaiosome presence
- Elaiosome prominence
- Elaiosome size
- Elaiosome some measurement
- Endocarp
- Endocarp architecture
- Endocarp architecture or pubescence or relief
- Endocarp architecture or shape
- Endocarp arrangement
- Endocarp coloration
- Endocarp condition or texture
- Endocarp dehiscence
- Endocarp duration
- Endocarp orientation
- Endocarp pubescence
- Endocarp pubescence or relief
- Endocarp shape
- Endocarp texture
- Endocarp variability
- Endoglossum
- Floral beak coloration
- Floral beak fusion
- Floral beak pubescence
- Floral beak shape
- Floral beak some measurement
- Foliaceous beak arrangement
- Foliaceous beak arrangement or density
- Foliaceous beak size
- Ostiole
- Ostiole condition
- Ostiole prominence
- Ostiole shape
- Ostiole some measurement
- Ostiole width
- Outer mesocarp texture
- Outer mesocarp width
P cont.
- Pericarp architecture or pubescence or relief
- Pericarp arrangement
- Pericarp coloration
- Pericarp coloration or relief
- Pericarp dehiscence
- Pericarp fixation
- Pericarp fixation or orientation
- Pericarp fusion
- Pericarp pubescence or relief
- Pericarp pubescence or relief or texture
- Pericarp pubescence or texture
- Pericarp reflectance
- Pericarp relief
- Pericarp size
- Pericarp texture
- Pericarp width
- Prior-to-capsule
- Proximal beak architecture
- Proximal beak architecture or shape
- Proximal beak arrangement or shape
- Proximal beak shape
- Proximal beak some measurement
- Pulp
- Pulp atypical length
- Pulp atypical width
- Pulp color
- Pulp coloration
- Pulp count
- Pulp count or density
- Pulp length
- Pulp length or size
- Pulp pubescence or texture
- Pulp reflectance
- Pulp shape
- Pulp taste
- Pulp texture
- Pulp toxicity
- Pulp width
- Pyrene
- Seed pulp coloration
- Slender beak shape
- Stylar beak architecture
- Stylar beak dehiscence
- Stylar beak fixation or orientation
- Stylar beak height or length or size
- Stylar beak pubescence
- Stylar beak quantity
- Stylar beak texture
- Subtending beak quantity
Showing 25 related entities (more are available).
- Achene +
- Achene architecture +
- Achene architecture or function or pubescence +
- Achene architecture or pubescence or relief +
- Achene architecture or shape +
- Achene arrangement +
- Achene arrangement or shape +
- Achene atypical length +
- Achene atypical quantity +
- Achene atypical width +
- Achene beak orientation +
- Achene beak some measurement +
- Achene coloration +
- Achene coloration or pubescence or relief +
- Achene count +
- Achene dehiscence +
- Achene diameter +
- Achene duration +
- Achene fixation or orientation +
- Achene fusion +
- Achene height or length or size +
- Achene length +
- Achene life cycle +
- Achene orientation +
- Achene position relational +
- ...