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Anales Hist. Nat. 2: 119, plates 18, 19. 1800.

Etymology: For Juan Antonio Pérez Hernández de Larrea, 1730–1803, Catholic bishop of Valladolid, Spain
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 12. Treatment on page 33. Mentioned on page 29, 34, 436, 529, 530.
FNA>Volume Importer
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Revision as of 00:41, 27 July 2019

Shrubs [prostrate subshrubs]. Stems erect [prostrate], branched, swollen at nodes, quadrangular, becoming cylindric, [less than 1] to 4[–7] m, hairy, becoming glabrate. Leaves opposite, 2-foliolate [even- or odd-pinnately compound]; stipules persistent, herbaceous, ovate [to triangular], apex obtuse to acuminate [apiculate]; petiolules absent; leaflets [1–]2[–17], opposite [alternate], connate basally 2–4 mm (leaves appearing simple and 2-lobed) [distinct], obliquely lanceolate to falcate [oblong to ovate], equal [unequal], base angular, apex mucronate, surfaces appressed-pubescent, becoming glabrate. Pedicels in leaf axils, erect or spreading. Flowers solitary, often irregular by twisting of petals; sepals deciduous, 5, distinct, green, ± unequal, margins undifferentiated, apex obtuse, appressed-pubescent; petals deciduous, 5, imbricate, spreading, twisted, yellow, oblong to oblong-lanceolate [ovate], base clawed, apex obtuse; nectary 10-lobed; stamens 10, ± equal; filaments free, subulate, with ± equal basal scales with toothed [entire] margins; anthers sagittate, versatile; ovary short-stalked, 5-lobed, 5-locular, hirsute-pilose; ovules [6–]8 per locule; style persisting on young fruit, later deciduous, not forming beak; stigma minute. Fruits schizocarps, globose, 5-lobed, splitting septicidally into 5 mericarps. Seeds 1 per locule, brown, boat-shaped. x = 13.


sw United States, Mexico, South America (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru), warm desert regions.


Species 5 (1 in the flora).

Lower Taxa

... more about "Larrea"
Duncan M. Porter +
Cavanilles +
sw United States +, Mexico +, South America (Argentina +, Bolivia +, Chile +, Peru) +  and warm desert regions. +
For Juan Antonio Pérez Hernández de Larrea, 1730–1803, Catholic bishop of Valladolid, Spain +
Anales Hist. Nat. +
campos1979a +, laport2012a +, lia2001a +  and mabry1977a +
Zygophyllaceae +