subfamilyEricaceae subfam. Vaccinioideae
sectionVaccinium sect. Oxycoccus
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Syn. Fl. Germ. Helv. 474. 1837..
Basionym: Oxycoccus Hill Brit. Herb. 324, plate 46 [lower left]. 1756
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Vines, trailing, sometimes ascending, 0.1-1.5 dm, not rhizomatous, (branches terete, slender, flexible, woody, glabrous or hairy, not verrucose, shoots from axillary buds). Leaves persistent. Inflorescences solitary flowers, in axils of leaflike bracts at base of current season or older shoots. Pedicels articulated with calyx tube. Flowers (long-pedicellate); sepals 4; petals 4, slightly connate basally, corolla broadly ellipsoid; stamens 8, exserted; anthers without awns, tubules 2-6 mm, (slender), with terminal pores. Berries 4-locular. Seeds 3-12, (ca. 1 mm).
North America, Eurasia, circumboreal.
Species 2 (2 in the flora).