Difference between revisions of "Hypopterygiaceae"

Treatment appears in FNA Volume 28. Treatment on page 261.
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FNA>Volume Importer
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Revision as of 19:45, 24 September 2019

Plants medium-sized to large, in mats. Stems brownish, primary stem stoloniform, creeping, secondary stems dendroid, much-branched, branches complanate-foliate, dorsiventral; hyalodermis and sclerodermis not differentiated, central strand strong. Leaves dimorphic; dorsal or lateral leaves larger, in 2 rows, somewhat asymmetric, ventral leaves smaller, symmetric; leaves ovate to very short-acuminate [oblong or lingulate]; margins entire to dentate [serrulate], not ciliate [occasionally ciliate]; costa single, subpercurrent; laminal cells smooth [1-papillose]. Sexual condition autoicous [dioicous or heteroicous]. Seta elongate [short], straight or curved, smooth or weakly papillose distally. Capsule horizontal [usually inclined], cylindric [subglobose, ovoid]; operculum rostrate; peristome teeth 16, double [exostome occasionally absent]; exostome cross striolate, furrowed medially or with zigzag line, trabeculae well developed; endostome cilia well developed or absent. Calyptra cucullate or conic-cucullate [mitrate].


Nearly worldwide, apparently introduced in Europe, tropical and warm temperate regions.


Genera 4, species ca. 70 (1 genus, 2 species in the flora).

Lower Taxa