Difference between revisions of "Bahiopsis parishii"

(Greene) E. E. Schilling & Panero

Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 140: 72. 2002.

Basionym: Viguiera parishii Greene Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 9: 15. 1882
Synonyms: Viguiera deltoidea var. parishii (Greene) Vasey & Rose
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 21. Treatment on page 175.
FNA>Volume Importer
FNA>Volume Importer

Revision as of 19:48, 24 September 2019

Shrubs, 50–130 cm. Leaves mostly opposite, sometimes alternate (distal); petioles 2–8 mm; blades deltate to deltate-ovate, 1–3.5 × 1–3.5 cm, margins usually toothed, faces: abaxial hispid and gland-dotted (and slightly reticulate), adaxial scabrous, (bases of hairs notably enlarged). Heads (1–)3–5. Peduncles 1–15 cm. Involucres hemispheric, 8–13 × 5–9 mm. Paleae ovate to oblong, 5.5–7 mm. Phyllaries 16–28, 3–9 × 1.5–2 mm. Ray florets 8–15; laminae 10–15 mm. Disc florets 50+; corollas 3.5–5 mm. Cypselae 2.7–3.2 mm; pappi of 2(–6) lacerate, aristate scales 2.1–2.5 mm plus (0–)2–6 lacerate scales 0.5–1 mm. 2n = 36.

Phenology: Flowering (Jan–Oct).
Habitat: Xeric scrub
Elevation: 500–1500 m



Ariz., Calif., Nev., Mexico (Baja California, Sonora).


Bahiopsis parishii is a diploid that is closely related to polyploids that have traditionally been recognized as varieties of B. (Viguiera) deltoidea and occur throughout the Baja California Peninsula in Mexico.

Selected References


Lower Taxa
