Revision history of "Talk:Woodsia obtusa"

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  • curprev 17:22, 28 May 2021RevisionBot talk contribsm 1,050 bytes +544 Bot: Adding {{TalkChanges|Original=Polypodium obtusum Sprengel, Anleit. Kenntn. Gew. 3: 93. 1804|ChangedTo=Aspidium obtusum Swartz, Syn. Fil., 420. 1806; based on Polypodium obtusum Sprengel, Anleit. Kenntn. Gew.
  • curprev 17:22, 28 May 2021RevisionBot talk contribs 506 bytes +506 Bot: Adding {{TalkChanges|Original=Woodsia obtusa (Sprengel) Torrey, New York State, Rep. Geol. Surv. 195. 1840. |ChangedTo=Woodsia obtusa (Swartz) Torrey in New York State, Rep. Geol. Surv. 195. 1840|Location=Ac