View source for Pharus ← Pharus You do not have permission to edit this page, for the following reason: The action you have requested is limited to users in the group: Users. You can view and copy the source of this page. {{Treatment/ID |accepted_name=Pharus |accepted_authority=P. Browne |publications= |basionyms= |synonyms= |hierarchy=Poaceae;Poaceae subfam. Pharoideae;Poaceae tribe Phareae;Pharus |hierarchy_nav=<div class="higher-taxa"><div class="higher-taxon"><small>family</small>[[Poaceae]]</div><div class="higher-taxon"><small>subfamily</small>[[Poaceae subfam. Pharoideae]]</div><div class="higher-taxon"><small>tribe</small>[[Poaceae tribe Phareae]]</div><div class="higher-taxon"><small>genus</small>[[Pharus]]</div></div> |volume=Volume 24 |mention_page= |treatment_page=page 12 }}<!-- --><span class="statement" id="st-undefined" data-properties=""><b>Plants </b>perennial, some apparently monocarpic; rhizomatous, sometimes cespitose or stoloniferous; monoecious. <b>Culms</b> 10-130 cm, erect to decumbent; internodes solid, frequently with prominent prop roots at the lower nodes. <b>Sheaths</b> open, glabrous; ligules usually scarious, sometimes membranous and ciliate; pseudopetioles conspicuous, twisted 180° distally, inverting the blades; blades linear to ovate, usually broad, usually tessellate, lateral veins diverging obliquely from the midvein. <b>Inflorescences</b> terminal panicles, ovate, open; rachises terminating in a staminate spikelet or naked; branches with uncinate hairs, spikelets appressed. <b>Spikelets</b> unisexual, dimorphic, sexes paired or pistillate spikelets solitary, with 1 floret; rachillas not prolonged beyond the florets; disarticulation above the glumes and in the panicle branches. <b>Staminate</b> spikelets smaller than the pistillate spikelets, attached below the pistillate spikelets on appressed pedicels; lower glumes shorter than the upper glumes or absent; lemmas longer than the glumes, ovate, 3-veined; lodicules 3, minute; anthers 6. <b>Pistillate</b> spikelets larger than the staminate spikelets, subsessile, elongate; glumes subequal, lanceolate, (3)5-9(11)-veined, purple or green; lemmas cylindrical, longer than the glumes, indurate, involute, with uncinate hairs over at least a portion of the surface, 7-veined, margins inrolled, concealing the palea; lodicules absent; staminodes 6, minute; styles 1, 3-branched, stigmas hispid, x = 12.</span><!-- -->{{Treatment/Body |distribution=Puerto Rico;Virgin Islands;Fla. |discussion=<p><i>Pharus</i> includes eight species. It extends from central Florida through Mexico to Argentina and Uruguay, and grows in moist to wet lowland forests. One species, <i>Pharus glaber</i>, is native to the Flora region.</p><!-- --><p>The uncinate hairs and disarticulating panicle branches of <i>Pharus</i> promote dispersion by attaching to the coats of passing animals. The inverted, pseudopetiolate leaf blades and oblique venation make the genus easily distinguished, even in its vegetative state. Well-preserved female spikelets resembling those of <i>Pharus</i> mezii Prod, have been found in 30-45 million-year-old amber.</p> |tables= |references={{Treatment/Reference |id=clark1996a |text=Clark, L.G. and E.J. Judziewicz. 1996. The grass subfamilies Anomochlooideae and Pharoideae (Poaceae). Taxon 45:641-645 }}{{Treatment/Reference |id=hitchcock1951a |text=Hitchcock, A.S. 1951. Manual of the Grasses of the United States, ed. 2, rev. A. Chase. U.S.D.A. Miscellaneous Publication No. 200. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. 1051pp. }}{{Treatment/Reference |id=judziewicz1987a |text=Judziewicz, E.J. 1987. Taxonomy and morphology of the Tribe Phareae (Poaceae: Bambusoideae). Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A. 557 pp. }} }}<!-- --><!-- -->{{#Taxon: name=Pharus |author=Emmet J. Judziewicz;Gerald F. Guala; |authority=P. Browne |rank=genus |parent rank=tribe |synonyms= |basionyms= |family=Poaceae |distribution=Puerto Rico;Virgin Islands;Fla. |reference=clark1996a;hitchcock1951a;judziewicz1987a |publication title= |publication year= |special status= |source xml= |subfamily=Poaceae subfam. Pharoideae |tribe=Poaceae tribe Phareae |genus=Pharus }}<!-- -->[[Category:Treatment]][[Category:Poaceae tribe Phareae]] Templates used on this page: Template:Poaceae (view source) Template:Treatment/AuthorLink (view source) Template:Treatment/Body (view source) Template:Treatment/Body/Maps (view source) Template:Treatment/ID (view source) Template:Treatment/Reference (view source) Return to Pharus. Facts... more about "Pharus"RDF feedAuthorEmmet J. Judziewicz + and Gerald F. Guala +AuthorityP. Browne +DistributionPuerto Rico +, Virgin Islands + and Fla. +Number of lower taxa1 +Referenceclark1996a +, hitchcock1951a + and judziewicz1987a +Source xml grained fna xml/V24/V24 4.xml +SynonymsGramineae +Taxon familyPoaceae +Taxon namePharus +Taxon parentPoaceae tribe Phareae +Taxon rankgenus +VolumeVolume 24 +