View source for Barbula ← Barbula You do not have permission to edit this page, for the following reason: The action you have requested is limited to users in the group: Users. You can view and copy the source of this page. {{Treatment/ID |accepted_name=Barbula |accepted_authority=Hedwig |publications={{Treatment/Publication |title=Sp. Musc. Frond., |place=115. 1801, }} |basionyms= |synonyms= |hierarchy=Pottiaceae;Pottiaceae subfam. Barbuloideae;Barbula |hierarchy_nav=<div class="higher-taxa"><div class="higher-taxon"><small>family</small>[[Pottiaceae]]</div><div class="higher-taxon"><small>subfamily</small>[[Pottiaceae subfam. Barbuloideae]]</div><div class="higher-taxon"><small>genus</small>[[Barbula]]</div></div> |etymology=Latin barba, beard, and -ula, diminutive, alluding to peristome |volume=Volume 27 |mention_page=page 15, 38, 479, 492, 525, 527, 529, 540, 566, 577, 606, 610 |treatment_page=page 528 }}<!-- --><span class="statement" id="st-undefined" data-properties=""><b>Plants </b>loosely cespitose or forming cushions, yellowish brown, brown or blackish distally, yellowish brown to reddish brown proximally. <b>Stems</b> short to elongate, to 2(–3.5) cm; hyalodermis rarely present, sclerodermis present, central strand present; axillary hairs short to elongate, all cells almost always hyaline. <b>Leaves</b> appressed incurved to weakly spreading, often contorted or twisted about stem, occasionally catenulate when dry, spreading when moist; ligulate or broadly lanceolate to long-triangular, adaxial surface usually deeply grooved along costa, occasionally broadly concave; base weakly differentiated to broadened and somewhat sheathing, proximal margins sometimes narrowly decurrent; margins usually recurved in proximal 1/2–2/3, occasionally plane throughout, entire or occasionally weakly denticulate near apex; lamina 1-stratose; apex rounded to obtusely acute, usually mucronate, occasionally entire or apiculate; costa percurrent to shortly excurrent as a sharp mucro, occasionally ending a few cells before the apex, adaxial outgrowths absent, adaxial cells elongate, occasionally quadrate to short-rectangular, in 2–3(–5) rows; transverse section ovate to semicircular, adaxial epidermis differentiated, adaxial stereid band usually present, usually small, guide cells 2–4 in 1 layer, hydroid strand occasionally present, abaxial stereid band present, usually strong, semi-lunar in sectional shape, abaxial epidermis usually present but weakly differentiated; basal cells differentiated across leaf or reaching higher medially or occasionally marginally, rectangular, usually little wider than the distal cells, 3–5:1, walls of proximal cells thin to evenly thickened; distal medial cells quadrate, usually 1:1, 1-stratose; papillae hollow or solid, multiplex to 2-fid, 2–3 per lumen, occasionally simple or absent, cell walls thin to evenly thickened, superficially bulging on both free sides. <b>Specialized</b> asexual reproduction by tubers borne on proximal rhizoids or gemmae borne on axillary stalks. <b>Sexual</b> condition dioicous or possibly sometimes rhizautoicous. <b>Perichaetia</b> terminal, interior leaves sometimes strongly sheathing, little differentiated or ovate to long-lanceolate, laminal cells usually rhomboid in proximal 1/2–3/4. <b>Seta</b> 0.5–2.5 cm. <b>Capsule</b> stegocarpous, theca ovate to long-cylindric, annulus weakly differentiated to strong, of 1–3 rows of vesiculose cells, sometimes revoluble or deciduous in pieces; operculum usually long-conic; peristome teeth of 32 narrow rami, filamentous to narrowly triangular, usually strongly twisted counterclockwise. <b>Calyptra</b> cucullate. <b>Spores</b> mostly 8–12 µm. KOH laminal color reaction yellow, occasionally yellowish orange.</span><!-- -->{{Treatment/Body |distribution=Worldwide in temperate zones. |discussion=<p>Species ca. 200 (6 in the flora).</p><!-- --><p><i>Barbula</i> has been much reduced in size. K. Saito (1975) presented cogent reasons for recognizing <i>Didymodon</i> as distinct. Characters of importance in distinguishing <i>Barbula</i> are: axillary hairs almost always entirely of hyaline cells; leaf adaxially usually deeply grooved along the costa; distal laminal cell papillae rough, knobby, obscuring the lumens, and protuberant along the distal laminal margins; costa usually excurrent as a sharp mucro or an apiculus of one or more clear cells; peristome is long and twisted, and as Saito (1975) pointed out, <i>Barbula</i> has gemmae generally larger than those of <i>Didymodon</i>. The three sections are represented in the flora area: sect. <i>Barbula</i>, including <i>B. unguiculata</i> and <i>B. orizabensis</i>; sect. Convolutae Bruch & Schimper (Streblotrichum P. Beauvois), including <i>B. amplexifolia</i>, <i>B. convoluta</i>, and <i>B. indica</i>; and sect. Hydrogonium (Müller Hal.) K. Saito [Hydrogonium (Müller Hal.) A. Jaeger], including <i>B. bolleana</i>. For many taxa previously long-held in <i>Barbula</i>, see 16. <i>Didymodon</i>.</p> |tables= |references={{Treatment/Reference |id=steere1939b |text=Steere, W. C. 1939b. Barbula in North America north of Mexico. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 66: 93–119. }}{{Treatment/Reference |id=zander1994c |text=Zander, R. H. 1994i. Barbula. In: A. J. Sharp et al., eds. The moss flora of Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 69: 286–296. }} }}<!-- --><div class="treatment-key"> ==Key== <div class="treatment-key-group"> {| class="wikitable fna-keytable" |-id=key-0-1 |1 |Leaves rather flaccid when wet, distal laminal cells 11-15 µm, often lax, quadrate to rectangular, not or weakly papillose |[[Barbula bolleana|Barbula bolleana]] |-id=key-0-1 |1 |Leaves usually firm when wet, distal laminal cells 7-12 µm, firm, quadrate, usually distinctly and strongly papillose |[[#key-0-2| > 2]] |-id=key-0-2 |2 |Abaxial costa surface cells doubly prorate (i.e., with both ends of rectangular superficial cells protruding) near apex, often with coarse mammillae in rows across the costa; leaf base widened but not sheathing. |[[Barbula indica|Barbula indica]] |-id=key-0-2 |2 |Abaxial costa surface cells with crowded, simple or occasionally 2-fid, hollow or solid papillae or smooth, seldom distinctly prorate near apex (and if so then papillae scattered); leaf base weakly sheathing (leaf base strongly sheathing only in B. amplexifolia) |[[#key-0-3| > 3]] |-id=key-0-3 |3 |Costa percurrent or ending before the apex; leaf apex entire or apiculate by a smooth or weakly papillose conical cell; specialized asexual reproduction when present by tubers on proximal rhizoids, or if by axillary gemmae then gemmae large and single in the axils; perigoniophores very short-stemmed. |[[Barbula convoluta|Barbula convoluta]] |-id=key-0-3 |3 |Costa short-excurrent as a mucro or if percurrent, then leaf acuminate; specialized asexual reproduction when present by multiple axillary gemmae; antheridiate plants long-stemmed |[[#key-0-4| > 4]] |-id=key-0-4 |4 |Leaves triangular-lanceolate, margins plane or rarely recurved at mid leaf, leaf base long-oblong and sheathing; abaxial surface of costa smooth or rarely with prorulae; costal hydroids absent; gemmae usually present, on stalks in leaf axils. |[[Barbula amplexifolia|Barbula amplexifolia]] |-id=key-0-4 |4 |Leaves long-ligulate or ovate-lanceolate, margins strongly but narrowly recurved or revolute in proximal half of leaf or to near apex, leaf base short-oblong, widened but not sheathing; abaxial surface of costa with simple papillae; costal hydroids present; gemmae absent or present |[[#key-0-5| > 5]] |-id=key-0-5 |5 |Leaf apex obtuse to broadly acute, margins recurved in proximal 1/2-2/3, rarely to near apex; gemmae always absent. |[[Barbula unguiculata|Barbula unguiculata]] |-id=key-0-5 |5 |Leaf apex abruptly rounded to emarginate, margins recurved to near apex; gemmae spheric, on stalks in leaf axils. |[[Barbula orizabensis|Barbula orizabensis]] |} </div></div><!-- -->{{#Taxon: name=Barbula |author=Richard H. Zander |authority=Hedwig |rank=genus |parent rank=subfamily |synonyms= |basionyms= |family=Pottiaceae |distribution=Worldwide in temperate zones. |reference=steere1939b;zander1994c |publication title=Sp. Musc. Frond., |publication year= |special status= |source xml= |subfamily=Pottiaceae subfam. Barbuloideae |genus=Barbula }}<!-- -->[[Category:Treatment]][[Category:Pottiaceae subfam. Barbuloideae]] Templates used on this page: Template:Pottiaceae (view source) Template:Treatment/AuthorLink (view source) Template:Treatment/Body (view source) Template:Treatment/Body/Maps (view source) Template:Treatment/ID (view source) Template:Treatment/Publication (view source) Template:Treatment/Reference (view source) Return to Barbula.