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m 13:07 | Eriogonum thornei diffhist -1 GeoffLevin talk contribs Corrected spelling of "microtheca" in discussion. |
m 12:54 | Eriogonum effusum diffhist -1 GeoffLevin talk contribs Corrected spelling of "microtheca" in discussion. |
m 19:33 | Eriogonum pulchrum diffhist -2 GeoffLevin talk contribs Corrected specific epithet of synonym from "microthecum" to "microtheca". |
m 19:28 | Eriogonum bicolor diffhist -2 GeoffLevin talk contribs Corrected specific epithet of synonym from "microthecum" to "microtheca". |
m 19:05 | Eriogonum effusum diffhist -2 GeoffLevin talk contribs Corrected specific epithet of synonym from "microthecum" to "microtheca". |
m 10:24 | Eriogonum fasciculatum diffhist -1 GeoffLevin talk contribs Fixed lead 1 in key to match printed version Tag: Visual edit |