familyAgavaceaegenusAgavespeciesAgave shawiiShow Lower Taxa Agave shawii var. shawii Agave shawii Engelmann Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 3: 314. 1875. James L. Reveal, Wendy C. Hodgson IllustratedTreatment appears in FNA Volume 26. Treatment on page 455. Mentioned on page 444, 445, 456. Contents 1 Distribution 2 Discussion 3 Selected References 4 Lower Taxa Distribution Generated MapLegacy MapLoading map...Created with Raphaël 2.2.0 Calif., nw Mexico. Discussion Varieties 2 (1 in the flora). Selected References None. Lower Taxa Agave shawii var. shawii Category: AgaveHidden category: Treatment Facts... more about "Agave shawii"RDF feedAuthorJames L. Reveal + and Wendy C. Hodgson +AuthorityEngelmann +DistributionCalif. + and nw Mexico. +Illustration copyrightFlora of North America Association +IllustratorBee F. Gunn +Number of lower taxa1 +Publication titleTrans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis +Publication year1875 +ReferenceNone +Source xml grained fna xml/V26/V26 947.xml +Special statusIllustrated +Taxon familyAgavaceae +Taxon nameAgave shawii +Taxon parentAgave +Taxon rankspecies +VolumeVolume 26 +