Rafinesquia californica


Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., n. s. 7: 429. 1841.

Common names: California chicory
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 19. Treatment on page 349. Mentioned on page 348.

Plants 20–150 cm. Involucres 12–20 mm. Ligules surpassing phyllaries by 5–7 mm. Cypselae light tan or sordid, 9–14 mm, including very slender beaks 5–7 mm; pappi of 6–15, wholly plumose bristles, barbs straight, separate. 2n = 16.

Phenology: Flowering Apr–Jun.
Habitat: Open places in coastal sage scrub, chaparral, oak woodlands in northern and coastal California and southwestern Oregon (often found after fires), Upper Sonoran Zone
Elevation: 100–1500 m


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Ariz., Calif., Nev., Oreg., Mexico (Baja California)


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... more about "Rafinesquia californica"
acuminate +
scarious +
ovate +  and lanceolate +
paniculiform +  and corymbiform +
indeterminate +  and determinate +
L. D. Gottlieb +
Nuttall +
straight +
sessile +  and petiolate +
decurrent +
slender +
compound +  and simple +
lobed;oblong;oblanceolate +
tuberculate +, rugose +, muricate +  and smooth +
tapering +
spreading +  and reflexed +
filiform +
California chicory +
zygomorphic +, actinomorphic +  and  - 3-5-merous +
1.8 cm18 mm <br />0.018 m <br /> - 2 cm20 mm <br />0.02 m <br /> +
sordid +  and light tan +
Ariz. +, Calif. +, Nev. +, Oreg. +  and Mexico - Baja California +
100–1500 m +
winged +  and beaked +
dispersed +
Open places in coastal sage scrub, chaparral, oak woodlands in northern and coastal California and southwestern Oregon - often found after fires, Upper Sonoran Zone +
in open , paniculiform arrays +  and singly +
indeterminate +
each +  and sessile +
0.6 cm6 mm <br />0.006 m <br /> - 1.5 cm15 mm <br />0.015 m <br /> +
cylindro-conic +
1.2 cm12 mm <br />0.012 m <br /> - 2 cm20 mm <br />0.02 m <br /> +
sessile +  and petiolate +
cauline +  and basal +
divided +, lobed +  and dentate +
2-carpellate +
sordid +  and white +
persistent +
Flowering Apr–Jun. +
connate +  and distinct +
7 +  and 20 +
subequal +  and unequal +
Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., n. s. +
flat;convex +
exalbuminous +
branched +  and simple +
1 +  and 3 +
appendaged +  and truncate +
papillate +
Undefined tribe Lactuceae +
Rafinesquia californica +
Rafinesquia +
species +
purplish +  and rose +
15 cm150 mm <br />0.15 m <br /> - 150 cm1,500 mm <br />1.5 m <br /> +