Physaria calcicola
Novon 12: 322. 2002.
Perennials; (compact); caudex branched; densely (silvery) pubescent, trichomes (sessile or short-stalked), 5–8-rayed, rays distinct, furcate or bifurcate, (umbonate, tuberculate and the center less so). Stems several from base, erect or outer ones decumbent, (unbranched, stout, usually sparsely leaved), 1–3 dm. Basal leaves: blade linear, 2–7 (–10) cm, margins entire, repand, or shallowly dentate. Cauline leaves (sessile); blade (erect), spatulate to linear, (1–) 2–3 (–4.5) cm, margins entire, sometimes involute, (apex acute or subacute). Racemes dense, (exceeding basal leaves). Fruiting pedicels (spreading, sharply sigmoid), 8–15 mm. Flowers: sepals ovate or oblong, (4.5–) 5–6 (–7) mm, (lateral pair subsaccate, cucullate, median pair thickened, cucullate apically); petals spatulate, 7–9 (–11) mm (widened at base, slightly retuse). Fruits (sessile or substipitate), ovate to oblong, not compressed at distal margins or apex, 5–9 mm; valves sparsely pubescent, trichomes appressed; ovules 4–8 per ovary; style 3–5 mm. Seeds flattened. 2n = 16, ca. 20.
Phenology: Flowering May–Jun.
Habitat: Shale bluffs, limestone hillsides, gypseous knolls and ravines, calcareous substrates, grasslands and pinyon-juniper communities
Elevation: 1400-2100 m
Colo., N.Mex.
Of conservation concern.
Selected References
Lower Taxa
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