Opuntia polyacantha var. hystricina
Cact. Succ. J. (Los Angeles) 70: 188. 1998.
Common names: Porcupine pricklypear
Basionym: Opuntia hystricina Engelmann & J. M. Bigelow Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 3: 299. 1856
Synonyms: Opuntia erinacea var. hystricina (Engelmann & J. M. Bigelow) L. D. Benson Opuntia erinacea var. rhodantha (K. Schumann) L. D. Be nson Opuntia erinacea var. xanthostemma (K. Schumann) L. D. Benson Opuntia rhodantha Opuntia xanthostemma
Stem segments obovate, 8–10 × 5–8 cm; areoles (6–) 8–10 per diagonal row across midstem segment, 10–17 mm apart. Spines in most areoles, grading in size and orientation; longer spines (1–) 2–6 per areole, slightly descending porrect, ascending near apex, (yellow-gray to) brown to black, (40–) 50–80 mm; smaller spines 4–6 per areole, reflexed, gray-white. Fruits stout; areoles 11–21, bearing 4–8 spines, 4–18 mm. 2n = 44, 66.
Phenology: Flowering late spring.
Habitat: Grasslands, pinyon-juniper woodlands, clay or limestone soils
Elevation: 1300-1900(-2400) m
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Ariz., Calif., Colo., Nev., N.Mex., Utah.
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continuous +
yellow +
cushionlike +
arillate +
apart +
elliptic +
distal +
absent +
subcircular +
prostrate +
sessile +
symmetric +
proliferating +
arising +
Porcupine pricklypear +
shallow +
large +
various +
funicular +
osseous +
separating +
intact +
staminate +
symmetric +
arranged +
diurnal +
abscising +
bisexual +
adnate +
epigynous +
burlike +
tan;brown +
drying +
straight +
indehiscent +
stout +
proliferating +
glabrous +
cylindric +
protruding +
aging +
absent +
inconspicuous +
dense +
emarginate-apiculate +
sessile +
alternate +
deciduous +
absent +
vestigial +
succulent +
tuberculate +
fluted;spheric;depressed-spheric or club-shaped +
determinate +
terete +
tinged color +
longest +
deflexed +
specialized +
sepal-like +
true +
surrounding +
sunken +
abscising +
epigynous +
compound +
parietal +
3;14 +
yellow +
coalescent +
thickening +
Cact. Succ. J. - Los Angeles +
1998 +
vertical +
3;2;2;30 +
minute +
diffuse +
tuberlike +
deep +
adjacent +
developing +
0.4mm;12mm +
absent +
glabrous +
1;400 +
oblong;subcircular +
persistent +
detachable +
gray-white +
reflexed +
Illustrated +
bristlelike +
barbed +
pliable +
stout +
longest +
aging +
absent +
conspicuous +
roughened +
50;1500 +
decurrent +
circular +
green +
detached +
tuberculate +
segmented +
green +
1;3;14 +
absent +
adventitious +
tuberlike +
Opuntia polyacantha var. hystricina +
Opuntia polyacantha +
variety +
5;50 +
segmented +
distinct +
absent +
brushy +
crescent +
broad +
single +
protruding +
enlarged +
pink-gray;gray-brown +
branched +
terrestrial;epiphytic or epipetric +