Grimmia pulvinata

(Hedwig) Smith in J. E. Smith et al.

in J. E. Smith et al., Engl. Bot. 24: plate 1728. 1807,.

Basionym: Fissidens pulvinatus Hedwig Sp. Musc. Frond., 158, plate 40, figs. 1–3. 1801
Synonyms: Grimmia decipiens var. hendersonii (Renald & Cardot) Sayre Grimmia indianensis Kindberg Grimmia pulvinata var. africana Hooker f. & Wilson Grimmia subcurvula Grimmia trichophylla var. indianensis Sayre
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 27. Treatment on page 255. Mentioned on page 17, 227.

Plants in hemispherical hoary cushions, grayish green. Stems 1–3 cm, central strand present. Leaves flexuose when dry, erect when moist, lanceolate, 1–1.7 × 0.3–0.6 mm, keeled, margin recurved on both sides nearly from base to apex, rarely only one margin recurved, abruptly contracted into short to long, smooth to denticulate awn, costa weak proximally, projecting on abaxial side; basal juxtacostal laminal cells quadrate to short-rectangular, thin-walled; basal marginal laminal cells quadrate to short-rectangular, thin or thick-walled; medial laminal cells roundedquadrate, slightly sinuose, thin-walled; distal laminal cells 1-stratose, margins 2-stratose. Gemmae absent. Sexual condition autoicous. Seta arcuate, 3–4 mm. Capsule usually present, exserted, ellipsoid to obloid, brownish and ribbed when empty and dry, exothecial cells thin-walled, annulus present, operculum rostrate, peristome teeth reddish, fully-developed, papillose. Calyptra mitrate.

Habitat: Various substrates, from acidic to basic rock, old mortar, tree trunks
Elevation: low to high elevations (0-3000 m)


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Alta., B.C., Ont., Ariz., Calif., Colo., Idaho, Ind., Iowa, Kans., Md., Mich., Miss., Mo., Mont., Nev., N.Mex., Okla., Oreg., S.Dak., Tex., Utah, Wash., Wyo., Mexico, South America (Argentina), South America (Chile), South America (Uruguay), Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Islands (New Zealand), Australia


Grimmia pulvinata is the most common species of the genus. It has a nearly cosmopolitan distribution, and is a pioneer on various substrates, even on the trunks of trees. However, in the eastern part of North America, it occurs only in a few scattered localities (H. A. Crum 1977). It is easily recognized by its neat hemispherical cushions with abundant capsules. It may be confused with G. orbicularis, which grows in similar habitats and is known to co-occur with G. pulvinata. However, as discussed under G. orbicularis, it differs in gametophytic as well as sporophytic characters. Some forms with more acuminate leaf tips may be confused with G. trichophylla, but the thin-walled, short-rectangular basal cells and the small, rounded mid leaf cells distinguish G. pulvinata.

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Lower Taxa

... more about "Grimmia pulvinata"
deciduous +  and persistent +
well-defined +
differentiated +
Roxanne I. Hastings +  and Henk C. Greven +
- Hedwig Smith in J. E. Smith et al. +
only rarely longer +
not papillose +
denticulate +
short to long +
sinuous +  and straight to sometimes +
sinuose-nodulose;quadrate;elongate +
oblate;elongate +
divided +
Fissidens pulvinatus +
undifferentiated +
plicate +  and smooth +
less +  and 1/2 +
not papillose +
small;medium +
pendulous +  and cernuous +
striate +  and smooth +
ellipsoid;obloid +
thin +  and thick +
thick-walled +  and thin-walled +
quadrate +  and rectangular +
excurrent;percurrent;excurrent +
subpercurrent +
reniform +, elliptical +  and terete +
usually not markedly larger +
hemispherical +
1-stratose +  and multistratose +
Alta. +, B.C. +, Ont. +, Ariz. +, Calif. +, Colo. +, Idaho +, Ind. +, Iowa +, Kans. +, Md. +, Mich. +, Miss. +, Mo. +, Mont. +, Nev. +, N.Mex. +, Okla. +, Oreg. +, S.Dak. +, Tex. +, Utah +, Wash. +, Wyo. +, Mexico +, South America - Argentina +, South America - Chile +, South America - Uruguay +, Eurasia +, Africa +, Pacific Islands - New Zealand +  and Australia +
low to high elevations - 0-3000 m +
reproduction +  and asexual +
autoicous +  and sexual +
Various substrates, from acidic to basic rock, old mortar, tree trunks +
papillose +, mammillose +  and smooth +
specialized +
dioicous +, autoicous +  and sexual +
flexuose +
0.1 cm1 mm <br />0.001 m <br /> - 0.17 cm1.7 mm <br />0.0017 m <br /> +
keeled +  and lanceolate +
0.03 cm0.3 mm <br />3.0e-4 m <br /> - 0.06 cm0.6 mm <br />6.0e-4 m <br /> +
thin-walled +  and sinuose +
thick-walled +  and sinuose +
thick-walled +  and sinuose +
not +  and enlarged +
not +  and differentiated +
lanceolate;linear +
in J. E. Smith et al., Engl. Bot. +
straight +
papillose +  and smooth +
arcuate;cygneous +
short to long +
0.3 cm3 mm <br />0.003 m <br /> - 0.4 cm4 mm <br />0.004 m <br /> +
ornamented +  and smooth +
globose +
1 cm10 mm <br />0.01 m <br /> - 3 cm30 mm <br />0.03 m <br /> +
muticous;long-awned +
Grimmia decipiens var. hendersonii +, Grimmia indianensis +, Grimmia pulvinata var. africana +, Grimmia subcurvula +  and Grimmia trichophylla var. indianensis +
Grimmia pulvinata +
Grimmia subg. Rhabdogrimmia +
species +
4 cm40 mm <br />0.04 m <br /> - 7 cm70 mm <br />0.07 m <br /> +