Cleistes divaricata

(Linnaeus) Ames

Orchidaceae 7: 21, plate 108. 1922.

Basionym: Arethusa divaricata Linnaeus Sp. Pl. 2: 951. 1753
Synonyms: Pogonia divaricata (Linnaeus) R. Brown
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 26. Treatment on page 511.
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Plants (15–)31–76 cm (in flower). Leaves: blades on flowering stems, 33–150 × 5–23 mm. Flowers: sepals 31–65 × 3–5.5 mm; petals 27–53 × 5–19 mm; lip (26–)34–55 × 18–24 mm, central keel relatively thin or evidently thin-winged, 3–4 mm wide, deeply and broadly grooved, groove 1.5 mm deep, smooth with 1–3 low, continuous ridges; column 21–25(–29)mm. Capsules (35–)40–65(–80) × 5–10 mm. 2n = 18.

Phenology: Flowering May (Fla)–Jul (Del).
Habitat: Coastal Plain savannas, in acidic soil
Elevation: 0–200 m


V26 1042-distribution-map.jpg

Del., Fla., Ga., Md., N.J., N.C., S.C., Va.


Selected References


Lower Taxa
