Callitriche stagnalis


Fl. Carniol. ed. 2, 2: 251. 1772.

Common names: Pond water-starwort callitriche des eau× stagnantes
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 17. Treatment on page 54. Mentioned on page 50.
Revision as of 19:29, 24 September 2019 by FNA>Volume Importer

Leaves connate at base, obovate-spatulate to ± round, 4–9 × 1–4 mm, 1+-veined. Stem and leaf scales present. Inflorescences: bracts persistent. Pedicels 0–0.2 mm in fruit. Flowers solitary; styles erect; pollen yellow. Schizocarps 1.2–1.8 × 1–1.7 mm, ± as long as wide; mericarps pale grayish brown, not swollen, winged throughout, wings straight, 0.1–0.5 mm wide. 2n = 10.

Phenology: Flowering May–Oct.
Habitat: Standing water, stream margins, backwaters, ponds, pools, ditches.
Elevation: 0–1500 m.


St. Pierre and Miquelon, B.C., Nfld. and Labr. (Nfld.), Que., Ala., Calif., Conn., Maine, Md., Mass., Mo., Mont., N.J., N.Y., Oreg., Pa., Va., Wash., Wis., Europe, introduced also in Australia.


Lower Taxa

... more about "Callitriche stagnalis"
Richard V. Lansdown +
Scopoli +
Pond water-starwort +  and callitriche des eau× stagnantes +
St. Pierre and Miquelon +, B.C. +, Nfld. and Labr. (Nfld.) +, Que. +, Ala. +, Calif. +, Conn. +, Maine +, Md. +, Mass. +, Mo. +, Mont. +, N.J. +, N.Y. +, Oreg. +, Pa. +, Va. +, Wash. +, Wis. +, Europe +  and introduced also in Australia. +
0–1500 m. +
Standing water, stream margins, backwaters, ponds, pools, ditches. +
Flowering May–Oct. +
Fl. Carniol. ed. +
Weedy +  and Introduced +
Callitriche stagnalis +
Callitriche +
species +