Eremalche parryi

(Greene) Greene

Leafl. Bot. Observ. Crit. 1: 208. 1906.

EndemicSelected by author to be illustrated
Basionym: Malvastrum parryi Greene
Synonyms: Sphaeralcea parryi (Greene) Jepson
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 6. Treatment on page 247.
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Plants erect, main stem unbranched or with ascending branches from base, 2–50 cm, densely hairy distally, hairs stellate, 1–3-armed, arms to 2 mm. Leaf blades 3-cleft to beyond middle, usually 2–5 cm wide, divisions toothed to subcleft distally. Inflorescences usually exceeding leaves. Pedicels mostly 1–8 cm, longer in fruit; involucellar bractlets linear, (2.5–)4–10(–15) mm. Flowers bisexual or pistillate; calyx 4.5–13 mm, lobes 3.2–11 × 1.5–4 mm; petals white or pale to deep mauve, 5.5–20(–25) mm, equaling or exceeding calyx. Mericarps 9–22, brownish to blackish, ± wedge-shaped, cushionlike, 1.5–1.8 mm, margins rounded, radially corrugated.


Subspecies 2 (2 in the flora).

Selected References



1 Flowers bisexual; petals mauve; calyx 10–14 mm, lobes 2.5–4 mm wide. Eremalche parryi subsp. parryi
1 Flowers bisexual or pistillate; petals white or mauve, (proportionally smaller and carpels more numerous in female flowers); calyx 4.5–9(–10) mm, lobes 1.5–3(–3.5) mm wide. Eremalche parryi subsp. kernensis
... more about "Eremalche parryi"
David M. Bates +, Malvastrum A. Gray subsect. Pedunculosa A. Gray in A. Gray et al. +, Syn. Fl. N. Amer. 1(1 +  and 2): 308. 1897 +
(Greene) Greene +
Malvastrum parryi +
Leafl. Bot. Observ. Crit. +
Endemic +  and Illustrated +
Sphaeralcea parryi +
Eremalche parryi +
Eremalche +
species +