Dodecatheon conjugens var. conjugens

Common names: Bonneville shootingstar
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 8. Treatment on page 272. Mentioned on page 284.
Revision as of 23:29, 16 December 2019 by FNA>Volume Importer

Scapes glabrous. Leaf blades glabrous. Pedicels glabrous. Flowers: calyx glabrous; connective usually maroon, sometimes light blue to whitish. 2n = 44.

Phenology: Flowering spring–early summer.
Habitat: Moist slopes and meadows, often in sagebrush communities, conifer woodlands, or alpine meadows
Elevation: 50-2900(-3200) m.


V8 550-distribution-map.gif

Calif., Idaho, Mont., Nev., Oreg., Wash., Wyo.


Variety conjugens is widely scattered east of the Cascade Ranges from northeastern California (Modoc County) and northwestern Nevada (northern Washoe County) northward through Oregon to Washington, and in the Wallowa Mountains of northeastern Oregon. In the Rocky Mountains, it is found in central and northern Idaho eastward into western Montana and the northern two-thirds of Wyoming as far east as the western edge of the Great Plains. High-elevation plants of var. conjugens in western Wyoming approach var. viscidum in sometimes having minute glands on the pedicels, making a distinction between the two rather arbitrary. Usually, the scape of var. viscidum is also glandular-puberulent proximally.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

James L. Reveal +
unknown +
Bonneville shootingstar +
Calif. +, Idaho +, Mont. +, Nev. +, Oreg. +, Wash. +  and Wyo. +
50-2900(-3200) m. +
Moist slopes and meadows, often in sagebrush communities, conifer woodlands, or alpine meadows +
Flowering spring–early summer. +
Primula conjugens +
Dodecatheon conjugens var. conjugens +
Dodecatheon conjugens +
variety +