Difference between revisions of "Castilleja pilosa var. longispica"

(A. Nelson) N. H. Holmgren in A. Cronquist et al.

Intermount. Fl. 4: 480. 1984.

Common names: White paintbrush
Selected by author to be illustratedEndemic
Basionym: Castilleja longispica A. Nelson Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 26: 480. 1899
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 17. Treatment on page 645. Mentioned on page 643.
FNA>Volume Importer
FNA>Volume Importer
(No difference)

Revision as of 19:27, 24 September 2019

Stems: hairs spreading or retrorse and curved, soft. Leaf lobes ascending-spreading. Inflorescences 2–16 cm; bracts proximally light green, or yellow-green, sometimes becoming pink or dull purple, with margins or distal portions pale yellow, sometimes soft pink or buff, 3–5(–9)-lobed; lobes erect, sometimes spreading, short to medium length, arising near or above mid length. Calyces 9–15(–20) mm; abaxial and adaxial clefts 2–7 mm, 40–45% of calyx length, lateral 2–5.5 mm, 40–50% of calyx length; lobes linear or narrowly triangular. Corolla beaks 4–7 mm; abaxial lip proximally green or pale yellow, sometimes dull purple, distally white to sometimes pink, 2.5–5 mm, 50–85% as long as beak; teeth white to pale yellow, rarely pink. 2n = 24, 48, 96.

Phenology: Flowering Jun–Aug.
Habitat: Moist to dry meadows, sagebrush steppes, woodlands, rocky slopes, ridges, montane.
Elevation: 1700–2000 m.


Variety longispica is distributed across central and southeastern Idaho, as well as adjacent Montana and Wyoming. This variety is often somewhat variable in color within populations, ranging from pale greenish yellow to various shades of pale pink to pale purple.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

J. Mark Egger +, Peter F. Zika +, Barbara L. Wilson +, Richard E. Brainerd +  and Nick Otting +
(A. Nelson) N. H. Holmgren in A. Cronquist et al. +
Castilleja longispica +
White paintbrush +
Idaho +, Mont. +  and Wyo. +
1700–2000 m. +
Moist to dry meadows, sagebrush steppes, woodlands, rocky slopes, ridges, montane. +
Flowering Jun–Aug. +
Intermount. Fl. +
Illustrated +  and Endemic +
Euchroma +  and Oncorhynchus +
Castilleja pilosa var. longispica +
Castilleja pilosa +
variety +