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Fl. Aegypt.-Arab., 28. 1775.

Etymology: Latin alternans, alternating, and anthera, anther, referring to the alternation of pseudostaminodes and stamens
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 4. Treatment on page 447. Mentioned on page 406, 435.
FNA>Volume Importer
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Revision as of 15:18, 27 July 2019

Herbs or subshrubs, annual or perennial. Stems prostrate, decumbent, ascending, erect, or floating, indumentum of simple trichomes. Leaves opposite, sessile or petiolate; blade lanceolate to ovate, ovate-rhombic, or obovate-rhombic, margins entire. Inflorescences axillary or terminal, sessile or pedunculate, several-flowered cylindric spikes or globose heads, without immediately subtending leaves; bracts and bracteoles scarious. Flowers bisexual; tepals 5, distinct; stamens 3–5; filaments connate basally into tube or short cup; pseudostaminodes 5, alternating with stamens; ovule 1; style 1, ca. 0.2 mm; stigma capitate or rarely 2-lobed. Utricles compressed, ovoid or obovoid, indehiscence. Seeds 1, reddish brown, lenticular or ovoid-oblong.


Primarily American tropics and subtropics, some in Asia, Africa, and Australia.


Species ca. 80 (9 in the flora).


1 Inflorescences pedunculate, terminal and axillary > 2
1 Inflorescences sessile, axillary > 4
2 Bracts not keeled; tepals glabrous Alternanthera philoxeroides
2 Bracts keeled; tepals pilose > 3
3 Bracts shorter than to equaling tepals Alternanthera brasiliana
3 Bracts less than 1/2 as long as tepals Alternanthera flavescens
4 Pseudostaminode margins fimbriate; anthers 5, oblong > 5
4 Pseudostaminode margins laciniate, dentate or, entire; anthers 3-5, globose > 6
5 Tepals rigid, margins coriaceous, glabrous; leaves succulent Alternanthera maritima
5 Tepals not rigid, margins chartaceous, pilose or hispid; leaves not succulent Alternanthera ficoidea
6 Tepals monomorphic, hairs not barbed > 7
6 Tepals dimorphic, hairs barbed > 8
7 Mature fruit exerted between tepals Alternanthera sessilis
7 Mature fruit included within tepals Alternanthera paronychioides
8 Tepals 5-7 mm, sparsely villous; leaf blades usually as broad as long; pseudostaminode margins dentate Alternanthera pungens
8 Tepals 3-5 mm, densely villous; leaf blades longer than broad; pseudostaminode margins usually entire Alternanthera caracasana
... more about "Alternanthera"
Steven E. Clemants +
Forsskål +
Primarily American tropics and subtropics +, some in Asia +, Africa +  and and Australia. +
Latin alternans, alternating, and anthera, anther, referring to the alternation of pseudostaminodes and stamens +
Fl. Aegypt.-Arab., +
mears1978a +
Alternanthera +
Amaranthaceae +