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(Maxon & R. T. Clausen) W. H. Wagner & Lellinger

Amer. Fern J. 71: 92. 1981.

Common names: Western moonwort
Basionym: Botrychium matricariifolium subsp. hesperium Maxon & R.T. Clausen
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 2.
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Revision as of 19:15, 26 July 2019

Trophophore stalk 0–3 (–10) mm, to 1/4 length of trophophore rachis; blade ± gray-green, dull, oblong-linear to deltate, 1–2-pinnate, to 6 × 5 cm, firm. Pinnae to 6 pairs, ascending, usually approximate or overlapping except in shade-forms, distance between 1st and 2d pinnae not or slightly more than between 2d and 3d pairs, basal pinna pair commonly much larger and more divided than adjacent pair, lobed to tip, basal pair oblong to oblong-lanceolate with lobed margins, remainder broadly spatulate with entire margins or 1 or more shallow lobes, apex rounded, venation pinnate. Sporophores 1–3 pinnate, 2–3 times length of trophophore. 2n =180.

Habitat: Grassy mountain slopes, snow fields, road ditches with willows, and sand dunes
Elevation: 200–2800 m


V2 687-distribution-map.gif

Alta., B.C., Ont., Sask., Ariz., Colo., Idaho, Mich., Mont., Utah, Wyo.


In the Rocky Mountains Botrychium hesperium grows often with B. echo, and in the Lake Superior region, with B. acuminatum and B. matricariifolium.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

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Warren H. Wagner Jr. +  and Florence S. Wagner +
(Maxon & R. T. Clausen) W. H. Wagner & Lellinger +
Botrychium matricariifolium subsp. hesperium +
Western moonwort +
Alta. +, B.C. +, Ont. +, Sask. +, Ariz. +, Colo. +, Idaho +, Mich. +, Mont. +, Utah +  and Wyo. +
200–2800 m +
Grassy mountain slopes, snow fields, road ditches with willows, and sand dunes +
Amer. Fern J. +
Botrychium hesperium +
Botrychium subg. Botrychium +
species +