Difference between revisions of "Deinandra lobbii"

(Greene) Greene

Fl. Francisc. 4: 425. 1897.

Basionym: Hemizonia lobbii Greene Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 9: 109. 1882
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 21. Treatment on page 285. Mentioned on page 281.
FNA>Volume Importer
FNA>Volume Importer

Revision as of 19:49, 24 September 2019

Annuals, 5–70 cm. Stems ± solid. Leaves: proximal blades pinnatifid to toothed, faces hispid-hirsute, sometimes sessile- or short-stipitate-glandular. Heads in paniculiform arrays. Bracts subtending heads overlapping proximal 0–1/2 of each involucre or not. Phyllaries ± evenly sessile- or short-stipitate-glandular, including margins and apices, and with pustule-based hairs, at least on midribs. Paleae in 1 series. Ray florets 3(–4); laminae deep yellow, 3–5 mm. Disc florets 3(–4), all or mostly functionally staminate; anthers reddish to dark purple. Pappi of (4–)6–8(–12) quadrate or oblong to lance-linear, fimbriate to laciniate scales 0.5–1 mm. 2n = 22.

Phenology: Flowering May–Dec.
Habitat: Grasslands, open woodlands, sagebrush scrub, disturbed sites, often in sandy or clayey soils
Elevation: 0–700(–1800) m


Deinandra lobbii occurs on hills and flats of the northern South Coast Ranges and San Francisco Bay area and is disjunct in northeastern California, where putatively introduced. Populations in northeastern California occur at higher elevations than elsewhere (1000–1800 m).

Selected References


Lower Taxa
